Poli Arctici Constitutio

  • 2016
Silk, wool, embroidery

ø 250 cm

Installation view at Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia

  • Photo: Andrea Rossetti

Poli Arctici Constitutio is a collective work, a silk embroidery with a diameter of 2.5 meters, reproducing the Antarctic pole as represented in the XII Book by Athanasius Kircher, In Mundus Subterraneus, dated 1664-65. This embroidery has been made by a dozen women, in almost two years of work. None of them was a professional embroiderer: mostly friends and acquaintances of the artist who attended at her studio and dedicated a few hours of work, every now and then, as a break from their main working activities. A collective work, where stories of life of different countries, chatter, secrets and laughter took root in every stitch.