Being There_Venice

  • 2021
Choral performance, Venice

Claudia Losi & Amigdala Collective with singers from choirs Le Chemin des Femmes & Core Voci Indisciplinate

  • Photo: Johann Muszynsk
  • Video documentation: Daniele & Diana Signaroldi

Being There is a site-specific performance along the canals of Venice, in collaboration with the Amigdala Collective and the support of Ikon Gallery (Birmingham) . Four traditional wooden boats (sandoli) cross different canals, triggering reactions from performers and singers. Female voices – in movement and stationary – intertwine, tracing a story that moves across the surface of the water and then disappears. Meike Clarelli, with Davide Fasulo, reworked Italian and English songs, adding traditional melodies, love songs, music related to women’s work and lullabies. Songs of utopias and struggle are interwoven with text fragments written by Claudia Losi for the performance Being There in Birmingham in 2019.

Supported by © IKON Gallery, Birmingham

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