Gesti dentro

  • 2020
White ceramic and enamel

Variable dimensions

Installation view at Monica De Cardenas Gallery, Zuoz

  • Photo: Andrea Rossetti

In Gesti dentro the collapsing of vessels on each other suggests the figure of a whirlpool, while the background incorporates deep blue glazes reminiscent of moving water, the waves of the sea. Amphibious beings emerge from within the jars, as the last survivors or new inhabitants. The first visual references come from the kiln rejects, in terracotta from the Roman period (2nd century B.C.), collected at Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia.

Produced by Fondazione Museo della Ceramica di Montelupo and Comune di Scandicci (Florence).
In collaboration with Fratelli Bartoloni, Montelupo Fiorentino (Florence)